Fulltext searching

If you want to search something like a filename, where names are run together, then use cmd-shift-F(advanced search) to exit normal boolean logic or use the 4.5 search in right pane option and search for ‘contains’ character iterative searches.

As the manual explain they are VERY different approaches to searching.

The standard FIND box is based on boolean full index searching of ‘terms’ and a SEARCH IN FIELD or ADVANCED SEARCH or the right pane search is based on an non indexed non boolean ‘contains’ search for ‘characters’(Iterative Searching).

These two routines are VERY different and if understood by the user can be advantageous depending on what they desire. The expectation should NOT be they would return the same thing.

Boolean search (main search) When doing a search in the FIND box the engine looks for ‘terms’ in its full index for your entered criteria(remember a space acts as an AND, comma operates as an OR and a minus sign means NOT to the Boolean parser). A ‘Full index’ is used by all robust databases engines. This type of search routine pre-builds a specialized search field(full index) based on the search indexes the user has selected(see menu MODIFY SEARCH INDEXES). In this way, it can increase speed and efficiency. In Soundminer’s case, the engine applies its search by first going to the Thesaurus to do a lookup and stem of the words if turned on then applies that to the search indexes but does not do a ‘Contains’ search. It would only bring back records that begin with your search, its synonyms and stems and only within the full index fields and have a minimum 3 characters in the term. This is a more restricted search but more accurate and faster.

This allows you to do advanced searches like ‘wind (gusty, blow) -window’ (look for wind sounds that also have either ‘gusty’ or ‘blow, blowing’ and then omit anything that has window.

It is based however on metadata content. Without such, you have filenames and folders and that’s where iterative searchiing comes into play.

Iterative Searching. Searching in the Advanced or Search in Field for example produces a query where the terms are searched iteratively in that single specified field or according to the query string created in the Advance Search window. The query looks for that set of characters anywhere in the string - it could be at the beginning, end or in the middle of the word. This will no doubt produce many more returns but the process for finding is much slower as it has to compare each character.

For example, if looking for ‘growl’ in a set of files that have little or no metadata but in the filename contains ‘doggrowlinsmallroom.wav’. then this method looks for this set of characters and has to iterate over each character to find matches. It is used when you have little metadata to go on or the characters are run together thereby not allow term searching. the drawback is it is much slower but if file have no real metadata as in the example you supplied, then Advanced search (or iterative searching) is the method to use.

In addition, the system also auto-breaks apart filenames if they have Capitalizations

ie. DogGrowlResidentialCity.wav would be auto loaded in the keywords field as ‘Dog Growl Residential City’ thereby making it work in the boolean routine.

Last updated 2017-02-22

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